供应医用材料手术耗材辅料:护理垫,**巾,清洁巾,垫巾,中单洞布,手术床单床罩等系列无纺布制品。 详细说明 产品信息 看护垫 INCONTIN**E CUSHION 1.能迅速吸收患者尿液,保持表面干爽,减少对皮肤的污染,使患者皮肤免受红肿,发炎,过敏之苦。 2.吸收患者排泻物及其异味,保证室内空气清新。 3.由表面无纺布——吸水纸——吸水体(绒毛浆高分子)——PE流延膜,构造而成,与传统布制,纸制看护垫相比,从外观到品质都有质的改变,且性价比较具优势。 规格: 35cm×45cm 40cm×45cm 50cm×50cm 60cm×90cm 75cm×l00cm 75cm×l50cm can absorb fluids quickly, making the surface to feel comfortable and preventing the skin from inflammation/flare and allergic. the terrible smell of the fluids and keep the air fresh. of the material we used make the product has a deep chang comparing with the traditional pats, especially with high quality but competitive price. Specification: 35cm×45cm 40cm×45cm 50cm×50cm 60cm×90cm 75cm×l00cm 75cm×l50cm 。医疗卫生用品:一次性口罩、防护服,手术衣、隔离衣、实验服,护士帽,手术帽,医生帽,手术包,产妇包,急救包,尿布,枕套、床单、被套,鞋套等一次性医用耗材